
“People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”  – Rogers Hornsby

About Pat

Pat, Tommy, and the 2016 World Series Trophy

Pat, Tommy, and the 2016 World Series Trophy

There are a few reasons I became a fan of the Chicago Cubs and baseball. I grew up in a family that loved sports and had a father who encouraged us to play and to be sport fans. My Dad’s favorite sports teams were always Notre Dame football in the Fall and White Sox baseball in the Summer. My brothers followed my Dad’s lead and became White Sox fans. Despite being a White Sox fan my Dad never once discouraged me from being a Cubs fan. Matter of fact, some of my favorite memories with my Dad were going to baseball games. We saw a lot of White Sox games with the whole family but when we went to see the Cubs play or watched them on television it was usually just the two of us. I have a fond childhood memory of us driving down to Wrigley and seeing Dave Kingman hitting the game winning home run against the Dodgers.

My Uncle Peter, who was more like a Grandfather, was a die hard Cub fan who would often show up at our house and take not only my brothers and sister to Wrigley Field for games, he would also take all our friends along. These were the days when you could get in for a couple bucks and park in the neighborhood. I think about how happy he would have been in November of 2016.

Pat and Tommy on Wrigley Field in front of the 400 sign.

Walking the Warning Track on September 20, 2024

As a kid the Cubs played day baseball and every game was on television. I would come home from school and watch the last two or three innings of most games. How could you not be a fan when you had Jack, Vince, Lou and the Cubs to entertain you every afternoon.

As I get older it is fun to share baseball experiences with family and friends. There is still nothing like sitting in the upper deck at Wrigley Field on a warm summer evening and watching the Cubs take on any of their rivals.

My Websites

Pat’s Blog

About Tommy

I am a half-time student, full-time worker, over-time adulting human living in Chicago. I am back in school pursuing a degree in communications.

I am a huge Chicago sports fan, and I am a firm believer of the days of despair making the days of triumph that much sweeter. Take the 2016 World Series Champions of the World Chicago Cubs. That run was unreal, and someday I will document every moment of my emotions during that awesome October and into November.